The administrative structure of the court
system is detailed in Article VII, section 4(3) of the Wisconsin
Constitution, Statute (758.19) and Supreme Court Rule (SCR) Chapter 70. The
chief justice is the administrative head of the judicial system, exercising
authority according to procedures adopted by the Supreme Court. The structure
is analogous to a corporation, with the chief justice as the chair of the
board, the other justices as the board of directors, and the director of state
courts as the chief operating officer.
For administrative purposes, the circuit courts are divided into nine judicial
administrative districts. The districts range in size from one county to 15
counties. The judicial business in each district is supervised by a chief judge
selected by the Supreme Court to serve a two-year term. A chief judge can serve
up to three two-year terms if the court continues to appoint him or her. Each
district also has a district court administrator who is a permanent employee of
the Director of State Courts Office who in turn is assisted by a court
management assistant. The district court administrators' offices are generally
located in the largest city in the respective district.