Click on Login above, select External Applicants. On the Careers home page, click on New User to begin. On the New User Registration page, complete all required fields identified with an asterisk (*). Check the box for Terms and Conditions. Scroll up to top of page and click Register.
The fields to complete are as follows: The fields with an asterisk are required.
1. Account Information
these are all required fields to create an account.
* User Name - will be used to sign in to access Wisc.Jobs to apply for
* Password
* Confirm Password
* First Name
* Last Name
* Email Address
* Phone
2. Personal Information
* Last 4 of Social Security #
* Birth/Month/Day
* Address Information
* Country
* Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
* City
* State
* Postal
3. Read the Terms and Conditions statement. Check the box I
Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
4. Scroll up, at the top right of the page and click Register to complete the create account process.
Note: Current state employees (excluding UW System) will access Wisc.Jobs through Employee Self-Service (ESS) by logging into the PeopleSoft sign-in page. At the home page, click on the careers tile.